
Warm Up:Trap LaCrosse ball smash x 1:00 each side Foam roll thoracic spine x 1:00 Wrist stretches each position x :30 Banded hip flexor stretch x 1:00 each side

then 1:00 easy bike or row 3 Scap Retractions or Strict Pull-Ups 5 Pushups 7 AbMat Sit-Ups 9 Air Squats :45 moderate bike or row 3 Scap Retractions or Strict Pull-Ups 5 Pushups 7 AbMat Sit-Ups 9 Air Squats :30 fast bike or row 3 Scap Retractions or Strict Pull-Ups 5 Pushups 7 AbMat Sit-Ups 9 Air Squats

Mobility: banded air squats x 20 reps banded lateral walks x 15 reps banded monster walks x 15 reps band pull aparts both horizontal and overhead x 15 reps each

then.. 4 sets not timed, rest as needed kip and cadence complex 2 kip swings + 2 knee tucks + 2 TTB with straight legs

WOD: For Time 5-10-15-20-15-10-5 OHS 115/75 or 95/65 or 75/55 TTB- sub hanging knee raises


08.05.17 Meat Locker

