08.30.17- 30-30-30
Warm Up:Two sets of: Hollow Body Swings x 10 reps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_8tpCRz8rM&index=19& ( do this drill without the band across the rig) Single Arm Circles x 10 forward/backward Ring-Rows x 10 reps then... 2 sets of (no more then 5# plates each hand) 15 seconds of Dumbbell Lateral Raises 15 seconds of Hercules Hold with Thumbs Facing Up
Mobility: banded lat stretch x :30 each side banded hip flexor stretch x :30 each side banded glute bridges x 20 reps banded walks- lateral and forward/backward x 15 reps each
Squat Practice: the wall squat to a ball 3 sets of 8 reps squat with arms up as close to the wall as possible slowly lower yourself to the ball Watch for the following 4 points of performance: 1. feet 2. knees 3. depth 4. lumbar curve
Barbell warm up: 5 good mornings 5 back squats 5 elbow rotations 5 strict presses 5 stiff legged deadlifts 5 front squats
WOD: 30-30-30 compare to score from 11/23/16 One barbell only- same weight 30 S2OH 30 Front squats 30 Power cleans RX- 135/95 Scaled 95/65