Barbells for Boobs event this Saturday
Warm up starts at 8:30am. Athlete briefing at 9am.
If you like, bring some food to share! Enjoy the community. Raffle prizes after wod.
Warm Up: 2 rounds of: 300m row/bike/run 10 bent over rows with empty barbell 10 good morings 10 push press
Mobility: 4 position wrist stretches upper body band warm up - 10 reps of each exercise https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gn_ePJfV49Q&index=19
Skill: Jerk from behind the neck 5 sets of 3 reps @ 75% 1RM jerk
Clean warm up 2 sets of 3 reps- first set empty barbell, 2nd set no more then 95/65 clean grip RDL clean high pull below the knees muscle clean front squat hang power clean clean below the knee
WOD 4 RFT 20 renegade rows with DBs 35/20 15 hang power cleans 135/95 3 rope climbs rest 2:00 18 renegade rows 12 hang power cleans 2 rope climbs rest 2:00 16 renegade rows 9 hang power cleans 2 rope climbs rest 2:00 14 renegade rows 6 hang power cleans 1 rope climb