
IMG_3960 3:00 dynamic warm up Three sets of: Tempo squats with 10# plate. Slow descend with holding plate out front. Pause for :03 at the bottom of the squat. Drive up. x 10 reps Russian Baby Makers x 10 reps Band Pass Thrus in Squat x 8-10 reps

Mobility: 10 x banded squats Band assisted perfect stretch x :30 each leg 10 x banded glute bridges T-Spine Pulse x 8 reps place foam roller under shoulder blades and grab rig low, arms straight. Pulse the hips up and down Band assisted lat stretch x :30 each side

Skill: Front Squat 3 reps @ 82% 1 reps @ 88% 3 reps @ 82% 1 rep @ 90% 3 reps @ 82% 1 reps @ 93%

Primer: Jerks + Clean warm up 2 x press behind the neck 2 x push press behind the neck 2x push jerk behind the neck into a split 2 x tall clean high pull 2 x muscle clean 2x tall clean 2x hang clean

WOD: 4 RFT 9 Hang Cleans 155/105 or 135/95 or 115/75 6 Jerks 155/105 or 135/95 or 115/75 3 Ring dips- sub stationary dips



