11.25.16- Partner Triplet
Join us for WODs at 8 and 9am only! Warm Up: 2 lengths skipping 10 x bicep curls 10x SDLHP with KB 2 lengths high knees 10 x DB strict press 2 lengths shuffle
Mobility: 30 reps of incline push ups- perfect form Shoulder Opener x 60 seconds
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Overhead x 10 reps Horizontal x 10 reps Banded Good Mornings x 10 reps
WOD: Partner Up 3 rounds each of each triplet
3 burpee box jump overs 6 HSPU - sub hspu from a box 6 C2B pull ups- sub 8 regular pull ups Farmer Carry 4 lengths of the small part of the gym each partner 53/35 each hand
3 burpee box jump overs 6 DL 245/155 30 DUs Row or Run 400m each partner
3 burpee box jump overs 6 TTB 12 Wall balls 20/14