Warm Up 2 rounds 250m row hang from pull up bar x :30 strict pull ups x 3-5 reps With an empty barbell, perform: Clean-Grip Romanian Deadlift x 3 reps Clean Pull x 3 reps Muscle Clean x 3 reps Power Clean x 3 reps Rest as needed; then repeat
Primer: 3 rounds of the complex starting with light weight on the bar 1 clean from the power position + 2 cleans from the hang position then.. 3 rounds of the complex starting at the ending weight from above 1 clean from the power position + 1 hang clean + 1 clean below the knee
WOD Partner Up 15:00 AMRAP 400m run- done together 20 power cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65 20 pull ups- no bands- sub with toe tap pull ups from a racked bar or ring rows with the lat engagement *1 person works, 1 person rest on the cleans and pull ups. Run together.