12.06.16- Chipper
Warm Up:6 sets of: Rowling- row to exactly 100m using full pulls. Every meter over/under perform 2 air squats then 2 sets of the following: :30 DB strict press :30 DB OH hold :30 DB lateral raises (10# or less) :30 rest
Skill: muscle up mobility and swings 6:00 EMOM min 1: ring muscle up reverse pull up x 15 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZeFu58ck8g&list min 2: peek a boo swings on bar or rings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9l_EcIyREPY&index=16&list=PLS5lovy8j9XaTsjSh9g3Ue7fEXD2oDDG9 min 3: prone upper back muscle recruitment x 10 reps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxPVVMA632Q&list ( just do the first part)
Skill: Strict Press 5 reps @ 80% 4 reps @ 85% 3 reps @ 90% 2 reps @ 95% 1 rep @ 100+%
WOD: For Time 10 burpee box jump overs 24/20" 20 TTB sub hanging knee raises 30 power cleans 115/75 40 pull ups- sub jumping pull ups 50 kb swings 53/35 60 DUs sub in 20 attempts