12.13.17 '12 Days of Christmas'

12 Days of Christmas WODjust like the song, on the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me, a Deadlift on the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me, 2 ring dips/muscle ups and 1 Deadlift on the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me, 3 DB thrusters, 2 ring dip/mu and 1 Deadlift....

For Time- time cap is class time Day 1- Deadlift 225/185 Day 2- Ring dips or muscle ups Day 3- DB thrusters 50/35 35/20 Day 4- Burpees Day 5- Box jumps 24/20" Day 6- Sit ups Day 7- Wall balls 20/14 Day 8- DB snatches 50/35 35/20 Day 9- KB swings 72/53 Day 10- DB walking lunges (5 each leg- DB farmer carry) 50/35 35/20 Day 11- TTB Day 12- Cartwheels :)




12.12.17 'Jackie'