Warm Up: 2:00 rowing 2 rounds- 1st no weight, 2nd with an empty bar 10 step ups on side of box 10 walking lunges 10 reverse lunges
Mobility- 2 rounds 15 x banded glute bridges 8x each side banded clam shells :30 each side band assisted perfect stretch
Skill: Front squat with a slow descend 7:00EMOM every minute perform 2 reps with a :03 descend and immediate drive up work at 60-75% 1 RM for all squats
WOD: 18:00 EMOM min 1- S2OH x 10 reps 95/65 min 2- DUs x 20 + 3 ring dips min 3- Box jumps x 10 reps