Warm Up
300m row, bike or run
3 rounds of:
TGU x 1 pre side
Single arm OHS with KB x 3 reps
Pec Stretch https://www.instagram.com/p/BoZwPlmAsEs
1. against the wall: do 5 reps
2. on a bench: lay on a bench with a PVC and pull your arms overhead. Hold this overhead position for 10-30 seconds before coming back to the start position. Do 5 reps.
3. prone floor angels: do 5 reps
glute activation: https://www.instagram.com/p/BmwtGtUnhn1
10 reps of each
1️⃣Normal width bridges
2️⃣Feet wide bridges
3️⃣Feet narrow bridges (🐸 pumps)
4️⃣Seated clamshells
5️⃣Supine clamshells
6️⃣Seated abduction
2 sets of:
1. Bar or ring pull up negatives x 5 reps
2. Inverted rows x 8 reps
For Time
Sled push 100m (pylon and back) heavy-ish weight but no more then 2 spots
20 alt. pistols
sled push 100m
25 pull ups or seated pull ups from a racked bar
sled push 100m
30 KB deadlifts 53/35 each hand
sled push 100m
35 ring rows or 10 bar muscle ups