Warm Up
Row 1k
20 Empty Bar Muscle Snatch
20 Behind the neck Empty Bar Snatch Push Press
20 Empty Bar OHS
2 rounds of:
15sec Star Plank/side
20sec Psoas March
Shoulder flow: https://www.instagram.com/p/BiPe2a0h40w/?taken-by=marcusfilly
Skill: snatch
segmented snatch pull- pause for :02 at 1" off floor, at the knee, at mid-thigh and then pull (not high pull)
5 sets of 3 reps building load starting at 50%
5:00 EMOM
slow pull power snatch + hang squat snatch + squat snatch
build load to a moderate weight
For Time
20 power snatch 95/65
20 bar facing burpees
20 OHS 95/65
20 bar facing burpees
20 squat snatch 95/65