Warm Up
3 rounds- building the pace on the run each round
Run to fence and back
30sec Reverse Plank
1 length Quadruped Crawl (move very slow and deliberately - get the shoulders warmed up)
1 length Bear crawl- arms hiding the ears, butt up high
one round of the kip cadence complex = 2 kip swings + 2 tuck ups + 2 ttb
banded shoulder warm up- https://www.instagram.com/p/Bjskn7-hklm/?taken-by=squat_university
1. The first works external rotation strength and stability in an exercise called “The W.” Hold for 5-10” in the outermost position. 5 reps for :05 hold
2. Next perform a band pull apart keeping your elbows straight and squeezing your shoulder blades together as your arms move out to the side. 10 reps
3. Diagonal pulls in each direction should follow before moving to shoulder circles. This is a classic mobility move with an added stability twist due to the tension from the band. 10 reps each side
4. Shoulder circles. 10 reps
Hollow banded pulls x 10 reps for 2 sets Rest :60 between
Skill: staggered stance deadlift
Staggered Stance Deadlift https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0sCqCwG8Xs
4-6/leg x 3 sets; rest 2 mins
Box Step Down https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XkKJ26iqZE
Take :03 to descend 6-8/leg; rest 60sec x 3 sets 24/20" box
*control these down and attempt to not push up off the bottom leg
For Time
Row 1000m
Deadlift x 30 reps 255/185 225/155 185/135
TTB x 30 reps or knees to chest