Warm Up:
3 Sets - Not for Time
5 Single Leg Kettlebell RDL/ side
10 Banded Clamshells/side
20 Windshield Wipers (10/side) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ug-ZGV0v-Q0
*slow controlled movements with purpose to warm up and activate
Squat Flow: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bmjiu-xHGfG
3-5 reps of each movement
1. greatest stretch- spiderman + reach
2. hamstring rocker
3. pigeon + rotate
4. hip flexors
5. groiners
6. hamstring/hip flexor combo
Skill: front squats
4 sets of 4 reps with a :02-:03 pause
Go heavier then last week Wednesday
Sled push 90' (3 sections of concrete out/ 3 sections back)- empty sled or with no more then 25#
Thrusters x 12 95/65
Sled push 90'
TGU sit ups with KB in each hand x 8