
2 Rounds:
200m Run
parallette shoulder extensions x 10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GLMYwLE47c
Hip flexor hurdles x 5/sidehttps://www.instagram.com/p/B1ewbGLFylu/
Cossack squats x 8/side
KB single side OHS x 4/side

KB single side press in the bottom of the squat x 4/side

banded ankle distraction x 30 seconds each side
anti-extension press x 10 reps https://www.instagram.com/p/B3pW7W7nz5a/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

Skill: snatch
complete 4 rounds of the following complex
snatch lift off
snatch high pull
slow power snatch
segmented snatch - pause at the knee for 3 seconds
power snatch

Super Set EMOM 10:00
min 1- snatch x 1 rep power or squat
min 2- 30 seconds pistols or Cossack squats

12:00 AMRAP
6 hang power snatch 115/80 95/65 75/55
12 wall balls 20/14
40 feet sled pull - seated with small sleds inside or large sleds outside

Mobility of the Week 12:00 Total
child's pose 1:00
downward dog 1:00
extended arm lizard 2:00 right side
downward dog 1:00
extended arm lizard 2:00 left side
standing straddle 3:00
forward fold 2:00




10.19.19 CrossFit Open 20.2