
Warm up

2 rounds
300m bike or row
6-8/side KB front racked drop back lunges- stand on a plate and drop one foot off plate into a lunge position
20 second hollow hold
6/side shoulder taps with a one second pause


1. Shoulders:
parallette shoulder extensions x 10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GLMYwLE47c

2. Glute Activation https://www.instagram.com/p/Byb5rtcgUiB/1️⃣ 10 single leg hip thrusts⁣⁣
2️⃣ 10 eccentric single leg hip thrusts (2 up/1 down)⁣⁣
3️⃣ 10 B-stance hip thrusts⁣⁣
4️⃣ 10-sec pause single leg hip thrust ⁣⁣(at the top)

Squat Y's x 8 each side with no more than 5# plates

Barbell Warm Up
1st round is cleans
2nd round is snatch
5 reps RDL
5 reps pull
5 reps from the hang position
5 reps from below the knee

20 pull ups or 15 banded pull ups
5 snatch 135/95 95/65
3 snatch 155/105 115/75
1 snatch 165/115 125/85
5 cleans 185/125 135/95
3 cleans 205/135 155/105
1 clean 225/145 165/115
20 pull ups or 15 banded pull ups

November Rowing Challenge- 3 rowing workouts will be posted each week. Give them a try. Work on your cardio and your rowing technique.

Workout One: 5 sets of 1:00 max cals 1:00 Rest

Workout Two: 8 sets of 20 sec. row sprint for cals. 2:00 walk rest

Workout Three:
4:00 at 18-22 sPM damper 8/7
Rest 1:00
3:00 at 22-25 sPM damper 7/6
Rest 1:00
2:00 at 25-28 at sPM damper 7/6
Rest 1:00
1:00 at 28-32 sPM damper 8/7


11.09.19 Barbells For Boobs CrossFit Open 20.5

