Warm Up
3 sets
100m jog
25 frog pumps
10 3-way ChaCha/side- use a blue band
10 DB cross body Romanian Deadlift - 5/side slowly
3 sets
A. mixed KB or DB rack suitcase step up x 6/leg
B. single arm KB or DB rack Cossack squat x 5/leg perform all reps on the weak side first
C. 60 seconds dual KB or DB rack carry; walk slow and deliberately keeping your shoulder bladed back and down
"Beast Mode"
Every 3:00 for 5 rounds
16 single arm DB hang clean & jerk (8 each side)
4 tire flips
100m sprint
Cool Down
seated forward fold 1:00
seated straddle 1:00
frog position 1:00