Warm Up
2 Rounds:
2 lengths side shuffle
10/side lateral box step ups
8/side half kneeling KB press
10 KB sumo deadlifts
Banded pull throughs- face out from the rig while using the band on the rig to pull through your legs x 15 reps
KB behind the back hip hinge x 10 reps https://www.instagram.com/p/BuSV7IphRAN/
Wall supported deadbugs x 10 reps each side
Deadlift week 5
65%x4x8, 65%x8+
leave 2-3 reps in the tank
Pick your Poison
18:00 Time Cap
20 rounds
1 devil's press
2 DB thrusters
3 burpees
10 rounds
2 devil's press
4 DB thrusters
6 burpees
5 rounds
4 devil's press
8 DB thrusters
12 burpees
RX 50/35 SC 35/20