Warm Up
Alexandra Aurora LaChance (@alexlachancetraining) • Instagram photos and videos
2 rounds
▪️20 Wall Squat Knee Abductions with 10 sec squeeze on last rep. Maintain 3 points of contact against the wall (big toe, pinkie, heel) and a 90 degree angle in your knees. Pause for each
abduction and feel constant tension on the band.
▪️10 Cossack Squats. Drive the knee out get off the floor.
▪️15 Single Leg Deadlifts. I keep these light to just warm up my glutes instead of fry them. I’ll do them heavier for less reps at the end of my session. Keep weight midfoot and hips squared up when performing these.
▪️5-10 Tempo Goblet Squats focusing on keeping even weight in the legs and pushing knees forward. Feel those feet flat against the floor.
30 seconds front rack stretch
30 seconds child's pose
30 seconds wrist stretches
30 seconds each side ankle stretches
stamina squats- day 2
back squats 4 sets of 3 reps @ 70%
front squats 4 sets of 3 reps @ 75%
For Time
30 alternating DB snatches
30 alternating DB clean & jerks
RX 50/35
Int 35/20
Sc 25/15