
400m run
12 box step ups
12 sit ups
200m run
2 rounds
6/side DB high pulls- strict
6/side DB push press

Skill: bar muscle up or chest to bar pull up /strict pull up drills

Chest to bar banded pull downs 2 sets of 15 reps

  • begin with tension on band

  • engage lats by pulling around slightly then down

  • come around the head and scoot those elbows back

Toe assist CTB (or strict) pull ups

Jumping CTB (strict ) pull up with Eccentric

Inverted rows- racked barbell or on rings with feet elevated 3 sets of 8 reps

Feet on the box with a racked barbell (similar to bar muscle up drill) Feet on the edge of the box. Pull around and then into the bar. Ribs down. Pull bar into the chest.

Bar Muscle up drills

  1.  On a racked barbell, use a green band and practice hips to bar.  First practice the hips coming to the bar using straight arms.  Then practice the hips to bar with the transition over the bar.  Watch the video on the transition.

Banded bmu transitions- racked bar


  1.  Feet on the box with racked bar- practice getting the hips to the bar and then adding in the transition.  Keep your arm straight and press down on the bar. 

    1. https://www.instagram.com/p/COyc-R1HNO0/

    2. https://www.instagram.com/p/CNnCGXSHVa_/

  1.  Jump out of the pool drill from the floor on racked bar and then from a box to the high bar

    1. https://www.instagram.com/p/CMfHxynHsN-/

    2. Arch under the bar jump to support- great explanation of this drill above with video https://youtu.be/bibf3sF_npg

  1.  Swinging on the bar-  

Option 1 – (If you do not yet have a consistent Bar Muscle-Up)

Every 15 seconds, for 2 minutes (8 sets) of:

Target Reach Swing + Air Chair Swing x 1 rep


"All-Star Special"

For Time

3 rounds

10 alternating DB snatch  50/35

3 muscle ups/4 C2B pull ups/ 6 ring rows

2 rounds

16 alternating DB snatch  50/35

2 muscle ups/3 C2B pull ups/ 4 ring rows

1 round

20 alternating DB snatch  50/35

1 muscle up/2 C2B pull ups/ 3 ring rows


09.25.2021 Partner Hero WOD

