Warm Up
50 feet quadruped reverse crawl
5 each side underswitch to crab reach https://youtu.be/Yrgx959kdME
5 sumo inchworms + push up
one round
3 eccentric pull ups with a 5 second descend
15 each lateral banded leg raises
30 seconds banded perfect stretch hold
A. barbell hip thrusts
3 sets of 10 reps @80% your DL max
B. Bulgarian split squats
3 sets of 7 reps each side- heavy
"Wagon Wheel"
13:00 AMRAP
kettlebell swings x 10 reps
box jump overs x 5 reps 24/20"
after each round, add 5 reps to both exercises. Keep adding 5 reps until time expires