Warm Up
2:00 Cardio
2 sets of:
10 x push up T https://vimeo.com/130766564
10 x PVC pass thrus
30 sec. 2 arm KB hold OH- light weight
4 lengths of the gym farmer carry- moderate weight
Mobility: postural exercises https://www.instagram.com/p/BqyZHWTnq1x/
10 reps each
1. T-spine stretch on foam roller
2. 90 degree arm lift offs
3. Reverse snow angels
4. T's
5. Y's
followed by
banded ankle stretch x 30 seconds each side
followed by
Barbell overhead - get tight and stretch back with the bar holding for 3-5 seconds
Do this 4 times.
Flex the quads.
Squeeze the butt.
Tighten down the rib cage.
Overhead squats
3 sets of 5 reps @60-65%
3 sets of 3 reps building load from 70%+
Lacking mobility for OHS, try these instead of squatting
Super Set- 2-3 rounds
1. 90/90 Ys x 15 reps
2. squat Ys x 8 reps each side- use 2.5# and then 5# plates
3. band squat overhead press x 8 each side- light DBs for good position
12:00 AMRAP
14 V-ups
12 thrusters 75/55 45/35
10 single arm devil's press 50/35 35/20