Warm Up
2 sets
row or ski 250m
wall facing handstand hold 20 seconds
20 alternating shoulder taps
50 plate jumps- just jump both feet on top of a plate
10 box jump, step downs
Bullet proof shoulders
2 sets
A. active hangs x 30 seconds
B. ring pulses x 30 seconds or ring lock out hold
C. goblet squat & press x 5 reps- in a deep squat, hold a goblet with both hands and raise it over head
3 sets
A. PVC (thick ones) press x 10 + 30 second hold- use long bands (yellow or red) to attach KB that hang from the ends of the PVC. Strict press for 10 reps and then hold for the time listed. https://youtu.be/tMPSv-CgJco
B. Bent over reverse DB fly x 12 reps https://youtu.be/hf7jnF45N_I
"Boulevard of Broken Dreams"
Every 5:00 for 30:00
20/16 cals row
10 bupree box jump overs 24/20"
7 TTB or hanging knee raises
2 bar or ring muscle ups or 4 C2B pull ups or 4 strict pull ups