05.25.2022 Member of the Month

Warm Up
3 sets
200m run
10 each side lateral box step ups
5 each side perfect stretch
5 scap pull ups 5 tight kip swings
10 barbell deadlifts- add weight in round 2 & 3

3 sets
A. split stance barbell RDL @2111 x 6-8 reps/leg
B. Russian KB swings x 15 reps
C. gymnastics plank hold- start in a cat/cow stretch- get one leg out and then the other. Hold there with the upper back rounded x 30 seconds

Member of the Month Bill McKinney
hero wod
Steven Coakley
we will be doing 3 rounds instead of the prescribed 2 rounds

3 rounds for time
17 deadlifts 185/135
17 box jumps 24/20"
17 pull ups

This Firefighter Hero WOD is dedicated to Steven Coakley, FDNY, Engine 217, who was killed on September 11, 2001. Steven Coakley, 36, of Deer Park, was part of the New York City Fire Department’s Engine 217 in Brooklyn. He had finished his shift before the towers were attacked, but he ran to catch the truck as it sped off. He was last seen helping evacuate people from the south tower.



