Warm Up
2 rounds
200m run
10 single leg RDL with light weight- 5 each side
10 half kneeling KB single arm press- 5 each side
10 stagger stance good mornings with empty barbell
shoulders and rotator cuff https://www.instagram.com/p/BtogGGPnJbN/
1. Isometric ER with yelllow mini-band x 3 sets of 10 sec hold
2. Mini-band press x 10 reps
3. Mini-band ER x 10 reps
4. Pulsing ER with OH reach x 10 reps
5. Overhead ER x 10 reps
Functional Strength https://www.instagram.com/p/CTpoV5jF0Gg/
2 sets
A. Seated single arm Z-press x 10 reps each arm
B. 60 seconds of heavy farmer marches
C. 30 seconds each side single leg balance weight pass- get something heavy enough to challenge you
"Nokomis Lake Monster"
6 rounds
Every 2:30 complete
15/12 cals row or ski or 12/10 cals bike
200m run
Rest 2:30
each round add one calorie