workout of the day

Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


2023 PRIDE workout- designed by Corey

40 minute time cap

Run + TTB and burpees are to be completed together and synchro.  P-R-I-D-E portion can be split amongst partners however desired.


"Rainbow Road"

1 mile run (together)


11 rounds (one round for each color of the progress flag)

P - Pull-ups (12)

R - Row (12/10 cals)

I - Isabel -half (15 snatches) (95/65)

D - Double Unders (50)

E - Echo Bike (12/10)

Cash Out

"2023 is the year"

20 TTB (synchro)

23 burpees over bar (synchro)

2023 PRIDE workout- designed by Corey

40 minute time cap

Run + TTB and burpees are to be completed together and synchro.  P-R-I-D-E portion can be split amongst partners however desired.


"Rainbow Road"

1 mile run (together)


11 rounds (one round for each color of the progress flag)

P - Pull-ups (12)

R - Row (12/10 cals)

I - Isabel -half (15 snatches) (95/65)

D - Double Unders (50)

E - Echo Bike (12/10)

Cash Out

"2023 is the year"

20 TTB (synchro)

23 burpees over bar (synchro)

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"Ice Cube"
For Time
1 mile run
at the 12:00 on the clock
complete 4 RFT
5 power snatch 135/95 115/85 95/65
15 wall balls 20/14
30 DUs or 60 singles

Warm Up
2-3 Sets
20 Banded Hip Thrust + 20sec Isometric hold at top of last rep
20 Steps Monster Band Forward
20 Steps Monster Band Backwards
20 Light to Moderate Russian KBS or DB swings


3 Sets
1. Leg Behind Goblet Squat; 2020 x 3-5/leg
2. KB Cross Body Drop Lunge 30X0 x 3-5/leg
3. Snatch grip deadlift x 6 reps @ 3030

Running warm up
200m jog
Skips- A/B/C
4 x 50m pick ups

"Ice Cube"
For Time
1 mile run
at the 12:00 on the clock
complete 4 RFT
5 power snatch 135/95 115/85 95/65
15 wall balls 20/14
30 DUs or 60 singles

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


For Time
1 mile run

Rest 3:00

For Time
30 burpee box jump overs 24/20"

Warm Up
2 rounds:

a) 50' Bear Crawl + 5 Inchworms
b) 5 Goblet Squats + 5 Single Arm Overhead Walking Lunges, left hand + 5 Single Arm Overhead Walking Lunges, right hand
c) 10 Hollow Rocks + 10 Supermans


A. Pallof press for core stability x 3 sets of 3 presses- take 5 seconds to press out and back
B. bench stretch with PVC x 5 good exhales
C. deep squat hold- pry open knees with elbows and rock on ankles x 45 seconds

Skill: back squat Day 1
5 reps @ 30-35%
5 reps @ 45-50%
7 reps @ 65%
8 reps @ 65%
9 reps @ 65%
*rest is 2:30-3:00 between sets

*this back squat series is based off of your recent 1 RM back squat but if you don't have one within the last two months or so, then base it off of something slightly lighter.

For Time
1 mile run

Rest 3:00

For Time
30 burpee box jump overs 24/20"

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


For Time Time cap 18:00
30 box jump overs 24/20 RX+ 30/24"
15 power cleans 185/125 155/105 115/75
1 mile run

scale to 20/16" box and 800m run

Warm Up
400m run

Two sets of: can be done with a partner
Rotational Med Ball Throws x 10 reps (right side)
Rotational Med Ball Throws x 10 reps (left side)
Rotational Kneeling Med Ball Throws x 10 reps (right side)
Rotational Kneeling Med Ball Throws x 10 reps (left side)
Max Overhead Med Ball Throws with heavy Med Ball x 5 reps (work to get as extended as possible)


banded hip mobility
1. Into a deep lunge with band on the upper leg- facing the rig x 30 sec/side
2. Hamstring floss- band in the upper leg, face away from rig and bend over with almost straight legs to stretch- bend the knee and straighten for the stretch x 30 sec/side

Running Warm Up

A skips
B skips
C skips
*watch video to see each skip and then decide if you have time to do the skips backwards or laterally.

Clean warm up with empty barbell
- Burgener Warm up

round one with empty bar
1. jump and shrug
2. jump and shrug + high pull
3. jump and shrug + muscle clean
4. tall clean to 2", 4", 6", full squat

For Time Time cap 18:00
30 box jump overs 24/20 RX+ 30/24"
15 power cleans 185/125 155/105 115/75
1 mile run

scale to 20/16" box and 800m run

Workout 3- Cool Down- try this today or sometime this week!


3 Rounds for quality
Supinated Deadlift Hold: 30 seconds @ moderate weight (approximately 50% 1 rep max) - eyes forward, belly and butt tight and don't lean back.
Alternating Shoulder Taps: x 10 with 3 second hold at the top
1 Arm Overhead Hold: 30 seconds each side @ moderate weight (approximately 33% 1 rep max Shoulder Press) -elbow stays locked, shoulder engaged
1 Arm Bent Over Rows: x 5 each arm @ weight used for 1 Arm Overhead Hold

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


WOD (17:00)- this a perfect time to challenge yourself on your mile time. Go hard. You will have rest afterwards. Record any new PRs on the board!

Run 1 mile for time- use the new course

at 12:00 on the clock
5:00 AMRAP
Turkish Get Ups- choose an appropriate KB weight where you can keep moving through the get up for the entire time limit. Record reps and KB weight to the board- along with mile time.

Warm Up
400m run

Two sets of: can be done with a partner
Rotational Med Ball Throws x 10 reps (right side)
Rotational Med Ball Throws x 10 reps (left side)
Rotational Kneeling Med Ball Throws x 10 reps (right side)
Rotational Kneeling Med Ball Throws x 10 reps (left side)
Max Overhead Med Ball Throws with heavy Med Ball x 5 reps (work to get as extended as possible)

Mobility for front squats

Box stretch for mid-back mobility

With your elbows high on the box and PVC pipe in hand, drop your chest to the ground and attempt to arch your mid back. Hold this position for 3 good exhales and try 5 reps in a row.📝

Perform 5 reps zombie squats with light load

Skill: front squat (10:00)
5 sets of 4 reps @ 68-72% tempo 3111
this is a 2-4% increase from the last time you did tempo front squats

Running Warm Up

A skips
B skips
C skips
*watch video to see each skip and then decide if you have time to do the skips backwards or laterally.

WOD (17:00)- this a perfect time to challenge yourself on your mile time. Go hard. You will have rest afterwards. Record any new PRs on the board!

Run 1 mile for time- use the new course

at 12:00 on the clock
5:00 AMRAP
Turkish Get Ups- choose an appropriate KB weight where you can keep moving through the get up for the entire time limit. Record reps and KB weight to the board- along with mile time.

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest

05.14.18 Mile High

Warm Up4 Sets Not For Time

5 Single Arm KB Z Press 15sec Star Plank/side 20sec Psoas March

*Move with purpose and focus - build a little weight on your press

Primer: Shoulder flow:

Barbell warm up 6 Sets, with an light load or empty barbell: Focus is on positioning of the bar throughout.

Snatch Complex Pausing Snatch Deadlift (2s at knee) Low-Hang Squat Snatch Overhead Squat

3 sets of 2 reps @ 55-60% slow pull snatch- slow the movement of the bar to the mid- to upper-thigh so that it takes 2-3 seconds to reach that point. As the bar reaches that point, accelerate the bar aggressively with violent leg and hip extension.

3 sets of 2 reps @ 60-65% snatch balance- the goal is to elevate the bar as little as possible and move down under it as far and as quickly as possible.

Squat Snatch Waves  12:00 EMOM

On the 0:00 – 3 Reps @ 60% of 1RM Squat Snatch

On the 1:00 – 2 Reps @ 64% of 1RM Squat Snatch

On the 3:00 – 1 Rep @ 68% of 1RM Squat Snatch

On the 4:00 – Rest

On the 5:00 – 3 Reps @ 64% of 1RM Squat Snatch

On the 6:00 – 2 Reps @ 68% of 1RM Squat Snatch

On the 7:00 – 1 Rep @ 72% of 1RM Squat Snatch

On the 8:00 – Rest

On the 9:00-2 reps @ 76% of 1RM Squat Snatch

On the 10:00- 2 reps @ 76% of 1RM Squat Snatch

On the 11:00- 2 reps @ 76% of 1 RM Squat Snatch

On the 12:00- Rest


1 Mile Run for Time- use the new course route- post times on record board

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