workout of the day
"Gummy Bear"
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8... keep adding one rep until time expires
8:00 AMRAP
DB deadlift
DB front squat
DB reverse lunge (round one you have 1 rep on each side)
DB lateral hops- same as the lunges- 1 rep each side
Warm up
2 rounds
PVC pass thrus x 10
barbell Kang squats x 8
barbell hang power snatch x 6
barbell back rack reverse lunges x 4/side
barbell behind the neck strict presses x 2
**after first round perform a banded lat stretch x 30 seconds/side
**after second round perform a banded perfect stretch x 30 seconds/side
Lat Primer
prone PVC lift offs x 2 sets of 10 reps
3 sets of
A. 20 standing hollow pull downs- with band on rig and PVC through the band- make sure you keep ribs down and pelvis tucked under. Arms must be shoulder width apart.
B. Hollow IYT- on a bench with 2.5# plates in each hand, lower back pressing through the bench, stay tight in hollow or a tuck position if you need to scale. Arms go back as far as possible. Palms face ceiling when lowering in each position. STRAIGHT arms.
Strength- snatch day 8 or 8
A. snatch balance + OHS
5 sets of (1+1) make these around 70%
B. snatch - build to a heavy 1 rep
7 sets of 1 rep squat snatch
"Gummy Bear"
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8... keep adding one rep until time expires
8:00 AMRAP
DB deadlift
DB front squat
DB reverse lunge (round one you have 1 rep on each side)
DB lateral hops- same as the lunges- 1 rep each side