workout of the day
WOD- each round = 8:00
"Water Wings"
Row 1:00 moderate + 30 seconds fast
rest 1:00
Row 1:00 moderate + 45 seconds fast
rest 1:00
Row 1:00 moderate + 60 seconds fast
rest 45 seconds
*record total meters rowed*
Warm Up
10 wall slide lift offs
5 deep squat progressions
5/side prisoner windmills
2 sets
12/10 cals row
6/side KB OHS
10 straight leg jumps to a plate (or two plates) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ_UC-kAMnb/
Snatch warm up- 2 rounds
PVC pass throughs x 8
PVC muscle snatch x 5
PVC snatch press + drop x 5
PVC snatch balance x 5
PVC snatch press in the receiving position x 5
repeat above with an empty barbell
Strength- snatch day 4 of 8
A. 3 position snatch
1 high hang snatch + 1 hang snatch + 1 snatch
5 sets of 1,1,1
start at 60-65% and build to 80%
B. snatch grip deadlift + snatch pull
10 sets of 1 rep
build past the 80% with proper positions and good bar speed
WOD- each round = 8:00
"Water Wings"
Row 1:00 moderate + 30 seconds fast
rest 1:00
Row 1:00 moderate + 45 seconds fast
rest 1:00
Row 1:00 moderate + 60 seconds fast
rest 45 seconds
*record total meters rowed*