workout of the day
7 Rounds for Time
200m row
1 power snatch 155/105 115/75 75/55
3 bar muscle up/3 C2B pull ups/ 3 pull ups
3 strict handstand push up
Warm Up
2:00 row/ski
4 each side perfect stretch
15 banded face pulls
5 PVC Cuban presses
5 slow PVC overhead squats
Snatch warm up https://www.instagram.com/p/CleTE-wpZ4x/
5 reps of each
1. snatch grip high pulls
2. overhead squats
3. sots press
4. tall snatch- extension to pull under
5. high hang squat snatch
6. snatch
A. 3 sets of 2 reps snatch balance- keep light and and quick https://youtu.be/D5BUtMk0INY
B. 5 sets of 3-position snatch @50-70%
(high hang, hang, floor)
7 Rounds for Time
200m row
1 power snatch 155/105 115/75 75/55
3 bar muscle up/3 C2B pull ups/ 3 pull ups
3 strict handstand push up