workout of the day
"Randy with Abs"
1:00 complete 15 TTB or scale to hanging knee raises then max reps power snatch 75/55 45/35
1:00 rest
this continues until you reach 75 reps snatch
8:00 EMOM
min 1- 20 American KB swings
min 2- 50 feet sandbag carry
each weight you choose should allow you to be challenged but go unbroken
"Randy with Abs"
1:00 complete 15 TTB or scale to hanging knee raises then max reps power snatch 75/55 45/35
1:00 rest
this continues until you reach 75 reps snatch
09.30.2023 Partner WOD
"Chip for Grip"
with a partner- you go, I go style
30:00 time cap
1000m row
200m farmer carry 50/35 35/20
100 American KB swings 53/35
50 pull ups
300 DUs or singles
50 TTB or hanging knee raises
100 alternating DB snatch 50/35 35/20
200m farmer carry 50/35 35/20
2000m bike
"Chip for Grip"
with a partner- you go, I go style
30:00 time cap
1000m row
200m farmer carry 50/35 35/20
100 American KB swings 53/35
50 pull ups
300 DUs or singles
50 TTB or hanging knee raises
100 alternating DB snatch 50/35 35/20
200m farmer carry 50/35 35/20
2000m bike