workout of the day
"Push, Pull, Squat"
AMRAP 10:00
6 C2B pull ups/ pull ups/ ring rows
10 push ups or incline push ups
14 alternating pistols
Front Squats
3 reps @ 70%
2 reps @ 75%
1 rep @ 80%
1 rep @ 85%
1 rep @ 87%
1 rep @ 90%
"Push, Pull, Squat"
AMRAP 10:00
6 C2B pull ups/ pull ups/ ring rows
10 push ups or incline push ups
14 alternating pistols
"On The Run"
4 rounds for time
300m run
5 C2B pull ups or pull ups or ring rows
200m run
10 HSPU or push ups or dips
100m run
15 burpees to a target
3 sets of each- super set A/B and C/D
A. Bamboo (thick PVC) walk x 1:00- hang KBs from the PVC
B. Ring dips or stationary dips on box x 4-8 reps
C. Suitcase carry x 100 feet each arm- grab a heavy weight
D. Ring support hold x 15-30 seconds
"On The Run"
4 rounds for time
300m run
5 C2B pull ups or pull ups or ring rows
200m run
10 HSPU or push ups or dips
100m run
15 burpees to a target