workout of the day
10.09.2021 Bring a Friend Day
The Destroyer
50 Power Cleans
-20 Double Unders
40 Front Squats
-20 Double Unders
30 Shoulder to Overhead
-20 Double Unders
20 Squat Clean Thrusters
-20 Double Unders
10 Curtis P Complex (1 Power clean + 2 Front rack lunges + 1 Shoulder to Overhead)
-20 Double Unders
Advanced: 95/65
Intermediate 75/55
Novice 65/45
25 Minute Cap
Warm Up
400m jog
10 Jefferson curls
10 yoga push ups
5 sets of 1 rep front squat with a 10 second descend and a 10 second hold
start light and add a small amount of weight
in between sets
1. banded ankle distraction x 30 seconds each side
2. calf eccentrics x 8 each side
3. front rack stretch x 30 seconds
4. slow Cossack squats x 8 each side
5. sumo good mornings with plate or KB at your chest x 5 slow reps
The Destroyer
50 Power Cleans
-20 Double Unders
40 Front Squats
-20 Double Unders
30 Shoulder to Overhead
-20 Double Unders
20 Squat Clean Thrusters
-20 Double Unders
10 Curtis P Complex (1 Power clean + 2 Front rack lunges + 1 Shoulder to Overhead)
-20 Double Unders
Advanced: 95/65
Intermediate 75/55
Novice 65/45
25 Minute Cap
20:00 AMRAP
200m Run
1 Curtis P (1 Power Clean + 1 Lunge/Side + 1 Push Press) 96/65 75/55
1 Man Maker (1 Push Up + DB Row + 1 Push Up + 1 DB Row + 1 Squat Clean Thruster) 40/30 35/20 25/15
*Add 1 rep to each every round
ex. 200m Run, 1 Curtis P, 1 Man Maker. 200m Run 2 Curtis P’s, 2 Man Makers, 200m Run 3 and 3 and so on
Warm Up:
3 Sets Not For Time
5 Half Kneeling Single Arm Bottom Up KB Press/arm
20sec Side Plank/ side
30sec Dead Bug- move legs out and back slowly
*Move with purpose and focus - build a little weight on your press
Primer: hip flow https://www.instagram.com/p/Bh7BCJ4BraN/?taken-by=marcusfilly
Banded good mornings with squats. - Use a red, blue, or black band- something stronger
Do 5 reps good mornings + 5 reps squats for 3 sets
20:00 AMRAP
200m Run
1 Curtis P (1 Power Clean + 1 Lunge/Side + 1 Push Press) 96/65 75/55
1 Man Maker (1 Push Up + DB Row + 1 Push Up + 1 DB Row + 1 Squat Clean Thruster) 40/30 35/20 25/15
*Add 1 rep to each every round
ex. 200m Run, 1 Curtis P, 1 Man Maker. 200m Run 2 Curtis P’s, 2 Man Makers, 200m Run 3 and 3 and so on