workout of the day
400m Run buy in
3 rounds
40 wall balls
30 KB swings 53/35
20 DB alternating snatch 50/35 35/20
10 TTB
20:00 time cap
9:00 EMOM
min 1 -row or bike 30 second acceleration (10 sec medium, 10 sec fast, 10 sec hard)
min 2 -10-14 reps single arm KB swings
min 3 -10 reps feet together air squats
Glute Focus
10 banded lateral walks right + 5 banded air squats
10 banded lateral walks left + 5 banded air squats
5/side cha cha
rest 30 seconds
4 sets - no rest between
8 banded glute bridges + 10 abductions at the top of the last bridge
400m Run buy in
3 rounds
40 wall balls
30 KB swings 53/35
20 DB alternating snatch 50/35 35/20
10 TTB
20:00 time cap