workout of the day
"Rusty Ralph"
For Time
50/40 cals bike
20 burpee box jump overs 24/20"
20 dual dumbbell devil's press 50/35 35/20
Warm Up
2 rounds
200m row
10 Jefferson curls
5 yoga push ups
20 banded lat pull downs
Super Set
A. superman extensions x 10 slow
B. farmer's press x 8 each side- heavy KB in farmer carry position, lighter DB pressing https://youtu.be/r5V1FlJGmYg
C. DB alternating curls x 8 per arm
"Chasing After You"
get a time on each section* this is a sprint*
20 burpees
20 cals row or ski
20 burpees
@ 8:00
20 DB snatch 50/35
20 cals row or ski
20 DB snatch
@ 16:00
100 DUs
20 cals row or ski
Post WOD- gymnastics skills
3 sets
10 push ups
15 banded tricep extensions
30 second handstand hold