workout of the day
DB bench press build load
weighted sit ups- use a MB or a plate
5-4-3-2-1 strict HSPU
*it's all about the technique**
Post WOD
Accumulate 90sec in each STATIC hold
Do not move down list until you have completed each hold for the full 90 sec:
-Hang on rig in hollow
-Top of pushup support hold in hollow
-Superman "arch" on floor
-Handstand hold (long tight lines)
Warm Up
8:00 on a bike or row or switch between the two. Every 2:00 get off the bike/row and complete one exercise listed below. Each set back on the bike and rower pick up your speed a little bit.
1️. Overhead Biased Leg Lifts - 20 leg lifts/set
2️. Alternating Single Leg V Ups - 12-14/side
3️. Single Arm Turkish Sit Up - 6-8/arm4. Dual Leg Lift Overs - 20 lift overs/set
Mobility: spend 3-4 minutes on these
1. Big toe stretch
2. Weighted Dorsiflexion
3. LaCrosse ball roll
Skill: Back Squat Day 12
3 reps @ 60%, 65%, 70% and 75%
in between sets complete rear foot elevated split squat x 5 per leg- light DBs in hand
DB bench press build load
weighted sit ups- use a MB or a plate
5-4-3-2-1 strict HSPU
*it's all about the technique**
Post WOD
Accumulate 90sec in each STATIC hold
Do not move down list until you have completed each hold for the full 90 sec:
-Hang on rig in hollow
-Top of pushup support hold in hollow
-Superman "arch" on floor
-Handstand hold (long tight lines)