workout of the day
"Clear the Air"
Run 400m
directly into
anchored sit ups
*45 DUs after each set of sit ups or 90 singles
Warm Up
Row for 3:00
thoracic flow 5 reps of each movement https://youtu.be/4sdb-QrfnuU
1. yoga push ups
2. beast to alternating leg through
3. deep squat with thoracic rotations
4. prone swimmers
5. prone swimmers with alternating hands- behind the back and behind the head.
squat flow 5 reps of each movement https://youtu.be/Yo55p6k0oIA
1. 90/90 hip switch
2. straight leg swings in the 90 position
3. deep squat with thoracic rotations
4. deep squat internal knee rotation
5. internal knee rotation + sit back on heel
Skill work
3 sets
A1. single leg RDLs x 8/side @31X1- work with moderate to heavy DB
A2. banded face pulls x 10
B1. DB bicep curls x 10/arm @1110
B2. banded pallof press x 10 + banded pallof twist x 10 - each side
"Clear the Air"
Run 400m
directly into
anchored sit ups
*45 DUs after each set of sit ups or 90 singles