workout of the day
"Deadliest Catch"
13:00 AMRAP
20 DB deadlifts 50/35 35/20
15 DB hang power cleans
10 DB thrusters
20 crossovers or 20 DUs or 20 speed steps
Snatch Warm up
3 reps empty barbell or PVC
1. slow OHS
2. sots press to stand
3. behind the neck press to squat
4. extension to pull under
5. power snatch from the pockets
A. 3 sets of snatch press in the receiving position x 3 reps
B. 2 sets of hang power snatch + hang snatch @ 55-65%
C. 10:00 EMOM 1 snatch- build load
"Deadliest Catch"
13:00 AMRAP
20 DB deadlifts 50/35 35/20
15 DB hang power cleans
10 DB thrusters
20 crossovers or 20 DUs or 20 speed steps
"Dead Weight"
DB deadlifts x 40 reps
DB hang power cleans x 30 reps
DB shoulder to overhead x 20 reps
DB devil's press x 10 reps
RX 50/35 IN 35/25 SC 25/15
Gymnasty WOD
4 Rounds, Each For Time (rest 1:1)
5 Box Pike HSPU
4 Box Pike Shoulder Taps
3 Box Pike HSPU
1 Around The World On Box https://youtu.be/zSFLpR2EMvg
Push Press
5 x 3 reps build load
between sets 50 feet each side suitcase carry- heavy
"Dead Weight"
DB deadlifts x 40 reps
DB hang power cleans x 30 reps
DB shoulder to overhead x 20 reps
DB devil's press x 10 reps
RX 50/35 IN 35/25 SC 25/15
"Apple Crumble"
12:00 AMRAP
10 DB deadlifts
10 DB hang clean and jerk
50 feet farmer carry walking lunges
RX 50/35
IN 35/25
SC 30/20
Warm Up
2 sets
2:00 cardio choice
30 seconds 90/90 hip switches
8 each side reverse lunges
8 sumo deadlifts with DB or KB
wall sit 1:00
Squat hold for 2:00
hold the bottom of a squat which allows you to keep your chest up and your hip crease below parallel. You can hold on to something or elevate your heels.
5 x 5 reps @75%
then complete 3 sets 10 reps bent over rows
"Apple Crumble"
12:00 AMRAP
10 DB deadlifts
10 DB hang clean and jerk
50 feet farmer carry walking lunges
RX 50/35
IN 35/25
SC 30/20
"Journal Entry"
row cals
DB deadlifts 50/35 35/20
tall plank DB pull thrus- 20 reps = 10 each side
Warm up
3 rounds
cardio choice 60 seconds
12 reactive box step ups/leg
12 cyclist 1 1/4 squats
30 second wall sit
Body Composition
3 sets of A and B
A1. front rack drop back lunge: 30X0; 16-20 reps- alt legs
A2. supinated strict pull ups: 2011; 8-10 reps
B1. dual KB rack squat: 2111; 8-10 reps
B2. DB bent over row: 30X1; 8-12 reps
"Journal Entry"
row cals
DB deadlifts 50/35 35/20
tall plank DB pull thrus- 20 reps = 10 each side
cool down
seal stretch 1:00
child's pose 1:00
cat/camels x 10 reps
"Gummy Bear"
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8... keep adding one rep until time expires
8:00 AMRAP
DB deadlift
DB front squat
DB reverse lunge (round one you have 1 rep on each side)
DB lateral hops- same as the lunges- 1 rep each side
Warm up
2 rounds
PVC pass thrus x 10
barbell Kang squats x 8
barbell hang power snatch x 6
barbell back rack reverse lunges x 4/side
barbell behind the neck strict presses x 2
**after first round perform a banded lat stretch x 30 seconds/side
**after second round perform a banded perfect stretch x 30 seconds/side
Lat Primer
prone PVC lift offs x 2 sets of 10 reps
3 sets of
A. 20 standing hollow pull downs- with band on rig and PVC through the band- make sure you keep ribs down and pelvis tucked under. Arms must be shoulder width apart.
B. Hollow IYT- on a bench with 2.5# plates in each hand, lower back pressing through the bench, stay tight in hollow or a tuck position if you need to scale. Arms go back as far as possible. Palms face ceiling when lowering in each position. STRAIGHT arms.
Strength- snatch day 8 or 8
A. snatch balance + OHS
5 sets of (1+1) make these around 70%
B. snatch - build to a heavy 1 rep
7 sets of 1 rep squat snatch
"Gummy Bear"
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8... keep adding one rep until time expires
8:00 AMRAP
DB deadlift
DB front squat
DB reverse lunge (round one you have 1 rep on each side)
DB lateral hops- same as the lunges- 1 rep each side