workout of the day
Nick Uranker
17-16-15-14...2-1 reps
hang power cleans
push press
Warm Up
2 sets
2:00 rowing/biking or running
6 inchworms
20 calf raises
3 sets
A1. barbell hip thrusts @10X0 x 8-10 reps- moderate load, fast reps
A2. DB death march x 16-20 steps- moderate to light load focusing on great stretch each rep
A3. parallette shoot thrus x 8-10 reps
Nick Uranker
17-16-15-14...2-1 reps
hang power cleans
push press
Post WOD: Glute Work
40 Elevated Single Leg Glute Bridge
30 Deficit Cossack Squats
20 Rear Foot Elevated Split Jumps
10 Concentric Only Pistol Squats
"In The Air Tonight"
21:00 EMOM
min 1- 5 deadlifts @60-70%
min 2- strict hspu x 3-5 reps + 6 TTB and hanging knee raises
min 3- 40 DUs or 80 singles
Warm Up
3 sets
2 each side Turkish get up
5 yoga push ups
2 wall walks
6 v-ups
Skill: push ups
7 sets of 5 reps
between sets of push ups, complete 5 each side wall supported deadbugs
3 sets
12 steps DB death march
12 barbell hip thrusts
30 seconds side plank hold/side
rest as needed
"In The Air Tonight"
21:00 EMOM
min 1- 5 deadlifts @60-70%
min 2- strict hspu x 3-5 reps + 6 TTB and hanging knee raises
min 3- 40 DUs or 80 singles
"One for One"
4 sets
20 sit ups
3 clean and jerk 185/125 135/95 115/75
15/12 cals bike
3 clean and jerk 185/125
rest is 1:1
Warm Up
2 rounds
10 PVC pass thru + good morning
10 PVC platter squats
5/side tall plank knee to elbow
4 deep squat progressions
90/90 hip switches x 5 touches each side
seated leg swings x 5 each side
deep squat internal knee rotations x 5 each side
cat/camels x 10 reps
3 sets
12 steps DB death march
12 barbell hip thrusts
30 seconds side plank hold/side
rest as needed
"One for One"
4 sets
20 sit ups
3 clean and jerk 185/125 135/95 115/75
15/12 cals bike
3 clean and jerk 185/125
rest is 1:1
13:00 AMRAP
40 single DB clean & jerk 50/35 35/20
30 air squats
20 single DB walking lunges- 10 each side
10 pull ups- sub hanging knee raises
Warm Up
3 sets
12 rotating planks- from the elbows- rotate to the side plank-6 each side
12 bent over alternating DB rows- hold for 1 second at the top
12 tall plank shoulder taps- 6/side
dorsiflexion matrix x 20 reps
quadruped Y's x 5/side
Cossack lunge + overhead reach x 5/side
3 sets
A. PVC banded lat pull downs x 15 reps
B. DB death march x 10 steps/side
C. DB renegade rows x 6 - row R + push up + row left + push up
13:00 AMRAP
40 single DB clean & jerk 50/35 35/20
30 air squats
20 single DB walking lunges- 10 each side
10 pull ups- sub hanging knee raises
"Six Flags"
Every 3:00 for 4 sets
300m run
12 deadlifts 135/95 115/75
10 TTB or KB hanging knee raise drill- with orange band
Warm Up
3 sets
10 DB/KB good mornings
5/side KB windmills
5/side KB plank pull throughs
50 feet KB overhead carry each side
Mobility: low back and glutes
Perform 1:00 for each stretch
1. sphinx position hold
2. cat/camels
3. thread the needle + thoracic rotation
4. cobra push up
5. child's pose + cobra
Glute activation- prone 1:00
1. squeeze the leg
2. lift a few inches off the ground
3. flex foot and bring leg back to ground- toe touch the floor
4. relax the leg and drop the quad to the floor
3 sets
DB death march x 20 steps (10/side)- holding 2 DBs at your side
wall sit 45 seconds
"Six Flags"
Every 3:00 for 4 sets
300m run
12 deadlifts 135/95 115/75
10 TTB or KB hanging knee raise drill- with orange band