workout of the day
02.09.19 Bring A Friend Day
Make up Strength/Skill
15:00 AMRAP
Teams of 2
one partner does a full round of Part One, while the other partner completes Part Two with KBs. Then partners switch tasks.
Part One
5 Dumbbell Burpee Deadlifts 50/35 35/20
5 Dumbbell Front Racked Squats
5 Dumbbell Single Arm Shoulder to Overhead/side
Part Two
50-Foot Front Racked Carry with KBs 52/35
50-Foot Farmers Carry with KBs 52/35
*DB burpee DL- do your burpee with hands on the DBs and then instead of jumping out of the burpee, deadlift out of it.
**each person is working at the same time but on different parts.
Make up Strength/Skill
15:00 AMRAP
Teams of 2
one partner does a full round of Part One, while the other partner completes Part Two with KBs. Then partners switch tasks.
Part One
5 Dumbbell Burpee Deadlifts 50/35 35/20
5 Dumbbell Front Racked Squats
5 Dumbbell Single Arm Shoulder to Overhead/side
Part Two
50-Foot Front Racked Carry with KBs 52/35
50-Foot Farmers Carry with KBs 52/35
*DB burpee DL- do your burpee with hands on the DBs and then instead of jumping out of the burpee, deadlift out of it.
**each person is working at the same time but on different parts.