workout of the day
For Time: @swoleprogram
Push Press Rt Arm/Lt
Hang Clean/ Curl Rt/LT
Hang Snatch Rt/Lt
35/25 30/20
*Complete 3 push press on each arm, then same for hang clean and hang snatch…
Move to 6 reps for each, then 9, and continue until you compete 15 of every movement on both arms.
Try to not set the DB down‼️
“SQUATIMUS PRIME”- use as warm up
2 Rounds for Quality
20 Banded Monster Walks
20 Side Tib Raises
10 Heels Elevated Squats
5 Tempo Back Squats: 55x1- use empty barbell
*tempo should be a 5 second eccentric descent, 5 second bottom of the squat hold, fast ascent, and a 1 second hold at the top.
Back squats
5 reps @ 70%
3 reps @ 80%
1 rep @ 85-90%
2 sets of 8 reps @ 70%
For Time: @swoleprogram
Push Press Rt Arm/Lt
Hang Clean/ Curl Rt/LT
Hang Snatch Rt/Lt
35/25 30/20
*Complete 3 push press on each arm, then same for hang clean and hang snatch…
Move to 6 reps for each, then 9, and continue until you compete 15 of every movement on both arms.
Try to not set the DB down‼️
8 DB hang snatch on the right side
16 DB overhead hollow body flutter kicks
8 DB hang snatch on the left side
200m run
Rest 1:00
sub running for shuttle runs 10 x 10m or box step/stair step ups x 20
2 rounds
30 second KB march right side* check notes
30 second KB march left side
10/side shoulder taps
10 each leg side plank hip abduction
15 seconds/leg standing straight leg hold
3 sets
8 Half Kneeling DB Lift and Chop/side- move DB over the leg that's in front
5 Strict DB Press/side
10 DB Push Press/side
Home Weightlifting
Snatch balance + OHS 4 sets of 3 reps each movement
slow motion snatch 4 sets of 3 reps
8 DB hang snatch on the right side
16 DB overhead hollow body flutter kicks
8 DB hang snatch on the left side
200m run
Rest 1:00
sub running for shuttle runs 10 x 10m or box step/stair step ups x 20
Core Burnerhttps://www.instagram.com/p/B-chpesBU9Y/
Try for 3 rounds:
-push up shoulder taps x10each
-mtn climbers x15each
-side plank rotations x 8each
-star reaches x8each
-bear crawl knee extensions x 10each
-side plank leg raise x 10each
EMOM x 10:00
5 DB facing burpees
max reps DB hang snatch
Rest 5:00
EMOM 10:00
5 DB facing burpees
max reps DB hang clean & jerk
Warm Up
2 rounds
15 each leg lateral leg swings
5 each side groiners
30 seconds each side Samson stretch
2 rounds for quality
Spiderman lunge + reach x 4/side
side plank on elbow x 20 seconds/side
crab walk x 10 feet
table top hold x 20 seconds
pigeon pose x 20 seconds/side
Home Weightlifting
OHS 3 sets of 5 reps
Press in snatch 2 x 10 reps
Tall muscle snatch 2 x 10 reps
Tall snatch 4 x 3 reps
EMOM x 10:00
5 DB facing burpees
max reps DB hang snatch
Rest 5:00
EMOM 10:00
5 DB facing burpees
max reps DB hang clean & jerk