workout of the day
15:00 AMRAP
dual DBs in a farmer carry, walking lunges x 50 feet
goblet squat with single DB x 20 reps
dual DBs in the front rack position, walking lunges x 50 feet
DB hip thrusts x 10 reps
push ups x 10 reps
3 rounds
single arm bottoms up KB or DB carry x 100 feet per side
scapular push ups x 10 reps
child's pose x 30 seconds (or if you have a place to hang from, passive hang for 30 seconds)
band pull aparts x 15 reps ( or arm circles each direction 15 reps)
yoga push ups x 5
shoulder taps x 10
Cuban press with stick or dowel or PVC x 10
wall slides x 10
Skill: single arm DB high pulls
3 sets of 6 reps each side
15:00 AMRAP
dual DBs in a farmer carry, walking lunges x 50 feet
goblet squat with single DB x 20 reps
dual DBs in the front rack position, walking lunges x 50 feet
DB hip thrusts x 10 reps
push ups x 10 reps
Do 3 rounds of the following.
Single leg hip thrusts 15 reps
Side lying hip raises 10 reps
Frog pumps 30 reps
Extra range side lying hip abduction 20 reps