workout of the day
06.05.2021 Partner WOD
with a partner
16:00 AMRAP
"Even Steven"
4-6-8-10-12...keep adding 2 reps each round until time expires
DB sprawl- no push up burpee with DBs in each hand to stand
DB box step overs
DB pull throughs
shuttle runs- each length is 15 feet
RX 50/35
IN 40/25
SC 30/20
Warm Up
partners and one medicine ball
shuffling and passing
rotational throws
MB cleans and shuttle runs
5 inchworms + push up
4 greatest stretch alive each side
3 deep squat progressions
20 seconds table top stretch
10 cat/camels
with a partner
16:00 AMRAP
"Even Steven"
4-6-8-10-12...keep adding 2 reps each round until time expires
DB sprawl- no push up burpee with DBs in each hand to stand
DB box step overs
DB pull throughs
Shuttle runs- each length is 15 feet
RX 50/35
IN 40/25
SC 30/20
"High Step"
Single DB step ups
DB Shoulder to overhead or barbell 95/65 75/55
Warm Up
3 rounds
10 alternating lunges
10 alternating single leg v-ups
10 sprawls- burpee, no push up
A. externally rotate overhead press x 8 reps/side slowly
B. TGU to the hand x 4 reps/side slowly
C. tall plank in/outs x 8 reps/side
D. Cuban press with PVC- not part of the video x 10 reps
EMOM 10:00
min 1- 10 DB bicep curls- two hands on one DB + 5 push ups
min 2- 16 skaters- 8 each side
EMOM 9:00
min 1- lat pull overs x 10 reps
min 2- DB pull thrus in a plank position x 8 reps (4/side)
min 3- TGU x 2/side
"High Step"
Single DB step ups
DB Shoulder to overhead or barbell 95/65 75/55