workout of the day
For Time
18:00 time cap
80 DUs
40 alternating DB snatch 50/35 35/20
20 pull ups
80 DUs
30 DB hang clean & jerk 50/35 35/20
13 pull ups
80 DUs
10 single arm devil's press 50/35 35/20
6 pull ups
Warm Up
50 single unders
5 each side Cossack squats
45 seconds wall sit
30 handstand hold
3 sets
10 Russian baby makers
10 barbell front squats
10 barbell strict press
5 calf eccentrics each side
Lats to Fly
3 sets
A. hanging scap pull ups x 10
B. hollow sliders- feet on a scooter or the rower seat, open and close shoulders to gain movement, do not bend or pike at hips. No sagging midline. x 10 reps
For Time
18:00 time cap
80 DUs
40 alternating DB snatch 50/35 35/20
20 pull ups
80 DUs
30 DB hang clean & jerk 50/35 35/20
13 pull ups
80 DUs
10 single arm devil's press 50/35 35/20
6 pull ups