workout of the day
02.03.2023 Open 18.2
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps
for time of:
Dumbbell squats
Bar-facing burpees
50/35 35/20
Warm Up
3:00 choice cardio
10 slow tempo air squats + 30 second deep squat thoracic rotations
10 x wrist stretch- on all 4s, fingers forward with palms on the floor, elbows locked and rock back and forth to stretch wrists/forearms
10 x wrist stretch- back of the hand on the floor, fingers facing your knees. Rock back and forth
10 x rotating elbows in and out while on all 4s. Keep palms of the hands flat on the floor, locked elbows, and rotate elbows in and out.
10 x inchworm ( no push up)- walk feet back to the hands
10 x plank to down dog
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps
for time of:
Dumbbell squats
Bar-facing burpees
50/35 35/20
3 rounds
DB step ups x 45 seconds right
rest 15 seconds
DB step ups x 45 seconds left
rest 15 seconds
Body weight step ups x 1:00 max reps
Rest as needed
WOD- this workout is about getting in larger sets that you can maintain over a few minutes.
For Time
100 DB squats- front racked
every minute on the minute
3 Devil's press
40/25 35/20- find a lighter DB set then you usually use- or use KBs
Warm Up:
3 Sets Not for Time:
10m Quadruped Crawl Forward
10m Quadruped Crawl Reverse
20-30sec Passive Ring Hang/Bar hang
6 Half Kneeling Single Arm KB Press/arm
Skill: 8:00 EMOM
min 1- push ups
options: weighted push ups, push ups with fabulous form, decline or incline, ring push ups
min 2- farmer carry with not matching KBs- different loads- 100 foot
Skill: Push Press
6 sets of 2 reps
set 1-2 @ 60%
set 3-4 @ 70%
set 5-6 @ 80%
Primer for WOD: https://www.instagram.com/p/BteTqtygSw4/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
½ kneeling stretch. In a kneeling position squeeze your glutes and turn your hips under your body until you feel a good stretch in the front side of your hips (hold 5 for 10 seconds)✅
hip thruster bridge. Drive your heels into the ground and squeeze your glutes as you lift your hips and hold for 5 seconds (10-20 reps)✅
core stability work that relates to your squat mechanics with the descending pallof press. Brace your core and hold each position for 5 seconds (sets of 5-10 reps). 3 pauses- 1/4 squat, almost parallel squat and then full squat
WOD- this workout is about getting in larger sets that you can maintain over a few minutes.
For Time
100 DB squats- front racked
every minute on the minute
3 Devil's press
40/25 35/20- find a lighter DB set then you usually use- or use KBs
DB squats x 10 reps
DB push press x 5 reps
DB box step overs x 5 reps 24/20"
DB- RX 50/35# scaled 35/20#
Post WOD abs: weighted plank hold
5 sets of 30 sec hold
rest 1:00
go heavy weight- record make
Warm Up
3 rounds
10 step death march- light DB in each hand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGchgrQLfno
10 lateral banded walks each direction
20 sec side plank hold each side
1:00 T-spine stretch over a foam roller- lay with roller across the upper back and stretch arms out- hips up or on the floor.
1:00 spiderman lunges + reach each side
3 sets of 5 reps of each I-Y-T- find a partner to do work/rest
Grab 2.5 or 5# plates. Set up in a hollow hold or scale as needed to a tuck. Palms facing the ceiling create a I-Y-T with your hands. Keep the elbows locked out completely and use lats by making sure palms are always facing ceiling on way up and down.
DB squats x 10 reps
DB push press x 5 reps
DB box step overs x 5 reps 24/20"
DB- RX 50/35# scaled 35/20#
Post WOD abs: weighted plank hold
5 sets of 30 sec hold
rest 1:00
go heavy weight- record make