workout of the day
10:00 AMRAP
Alternating DB snatch 50/35 35/20
Shuttle runs- 25 feet =1 rep
Front squats
3 reps @ 70%
2 reps @ 75%
1 rep @ 80%
3 sets of 1 rep @ 85%
10:00 AMRAP
Alternating DB snatch 50/35 35/20
Shuttle runs- 25 feet =1 rep
Finisher- more legs
2-3 sets
10 DB step ups right side
rest 15 seconds
10 DB step ups left side
rest 30- 60 seconds
02.03.2023 Open 18.2
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps
for time of:
Dumbbell squats
Bar-facing burpees
50/35 35/20
Warm Up
3:00 choice cardio
10 slow tempo air squats + 30 second deep squat thoracic rotations
10 x wrist stretch- on all 4s, fingers forward with palms on the floor, elbows locked and rock back and forth to stretch wrists/forearms
10 x wrist stretch- back of the hand on the floor, fingers facing your knees. Rock back and forth
10 x rotating elbows in and out while on all 4s. Keep palms of the hands flat on the floor, locked elbows, and rotate elbows in and out.
10 x inchworm ( no push up)- walk feet back to the hands
10 x plank to down dog
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps
for time of:
Dumbbell squats
Bar-facing burpees
50/35 35/20
3 rounds
DB step ups x 45 seconds right
rest 15 seconds
DB step ups x 45 seconds left
rest 15 seconds
Body weight step ups x 1:00 max reps
Rest as needed
"Push Pull"
For time
60 single arm DB hang clean & jerk 50/35
40 DB step ups 24/20"
75 feet handstand walk or 150 scooter walk
10 strict pull ups
Extra Christmas Challenge
2:00 KB front rack hold- heavy
2:00 KB front rack wall sit hold- moderate
2:00 KB front rack tall kneeling to standing- light
Warm Up
200m row
5 scap pull ups
5 scap push ups
4 each side perfect stretch
200m row
5 wall walks
50 feet bear crawl
50 feet crab walk
push press
5 reps @ 60%
3 reps @ 70%
2 reps @ 75%
3 sets of 2 reps @80%
"Push Pull"
For time
60 single arm DB hang clean & jerk 50/35
40 DB step ups 24/20"
75 feet handstand walk or 150 scooter walk
10 strict pull ups
Extra Christmas Challenge
2:00 KB front rack hold- heavy
2:00 KB front rack wall sit hold- moderate
2:00 KB front rack tall kneeling to standing- light
"Get Fitter"
3 sets each for time
15-12-9 cals on a machine
8-6-4 DB alternating snatch- heavy 70/50 50/35 40/25
Rest 2:00 between sets
Warm Up
2 rounds
5 yoga push ups
10 goblet squats- slow to fast up
5/side DB high pulls
5/side DB strict press
Mobility Primer
2 sets
A. 8 x banded face pull Y press- during the first portion of the movement make sure your forearms get to vertical and then press to your snatch/overhead squat grip
B. 10 x PVC lift offs- go as narrow as possible with hands while still lifting arm up until it is in line with the ears. The more narrow the grip, the harder the exercise.
C. 5 x each side calf eccentrics- on a plate, raise up with two feet and down slowly with one.
3 sets
A. Bulgarian split squats x 10 reps each side
B. DB step ups x 5 each side
*each of these should be heavier than the last time
*rest after each set
"Get Fitter"
3 sets each for time
15-12-9 cals on a machine
8-6-4 DB alternating snatch- heavy 70/50 50/35 40/25
Rest 2:00 between sets
"Strictly Clean"
For Time
1000m row
5 rounds
3 strict handstand push ups or 15 feet handstand walk
3 hang squat cleans @ 75%
1000m row
Warm Up
2 sets
Landmine strict press right side x 14
Landmine snatch high pull right side x 12
banded tricep push downs x 15
handstand hold 30 seconds- on the wall or a box
Landmine strict press left side x 14
Landmine snatch high pull left side x 12
banded tricep push downs x 15
handstand hold 30 seconds
A. 2 sets
100 feet single arm OH carry each side
6 Cossacks each side
B. 2 sets
50 feet single arm suitcase carry each side- heavy
6 DB step ups each side - heavier than the last time you completed these
"Strictly Clean"
For Time
1000m row
5 rounds
3 strict handstand push ups or 15 feet handstand walk
3 hang squat cleans @ 75%
1000m row
WOD (20:00)
"Make Me Feel Better"
Every 2:30 for 5 sets
15/12 cals bike
10 DB step ups 50/35 35/20 24/20"
max reps burpees*
Rest 90 seconds
*record each round
one group starts, the second group will start 90 seconds behind
Warm Up/Primer
Row 300m
50m dual KB/DB overhead carry
Row 250m
50m dual KB/DB front rack carry
Row 200m
50m dual KB/DB farmer carry
WOD (20:00)
"Make Me Feel Better"
Every 2:30 for 5 sets
15/12 cals bike
10 DB step ups 50/35 35/20 24/20"
max reps burpees*
Rest 90 seconds
*record each round
one group starts, the second group will start 90 seconds behind
2-3 sets
12 each side single leg glute bridges
12 each direction banded walks
30-45 second wall sit
"Watch Out"
12:00 AMRAP
DB single arm clean & jerk x 20 (10 each side) 50/35 35/20
Plank DB pull thru x 10 each side https://youtu.be/Zko5x2SoQmo
DB step ups x 10 24/20"
Warm Up
2 sets
100m run
5 yoga push ups
100 feet dual DB OH carry
10 dual DB strict press
20 alternating single leg V-ups
A. bench press
3 sets of 5 reps @ 77%
B. 3 sets of 5-8 reps dips
C. 5-3-1 reps chin ups- make the last set a max rep set
"Watch Out"
12:00 AMRAP
DB single arm clean & jerk x 20 (10 each side) 50/35 35/20
Plank DB pull thru x 10 each side https://youtu.be/Zko5x2SoQmo
DB step ups x 10 24/20"
Lats to Fly
10-8-6-4-2 reps of each movement
A. Standing banded hollow IYs- keep wrists straight, pull up to I then to Y. Keep rib down, no arching.
B. Kip shape drill- use a box under the rig and practice getting into the hollow and the arch
C. Hip hinge lat pullover- use a band on the rig at hip height and thread a PVC through it. Stand back with tension on the band. Hip hinge with the PVC close to the body, then extend the arms out straight and press them back to the hips. Stand up with PVC right next to the body.