workout of the day
14:00 AMRAP
20 alternating Cossack squats
14 DB sumo deadlift high pulls
10 HSPU- piked from a box or bench
Warm Up
30 seconds high knees
30 seconds butt kicks
repeat above
4 each side perfect stretch
30 squat hold
5 inchworms
10 PVC Cuban presses
Strength EMOM 10:00
min 1: weighted step ups 45 seconds
min 2: strict press 45 seconds
14:00 AMRAP
20 alternating Cossack squats
14 DB sumo deadlift high pulls
10 HSPU- piked from a box or bench
Glute Max
3 rounds
10/side single leg hip bridges
5/ side 2 foot up, 1 foot down slowly hip bridges
10/side single side lying hip bridges
30 frog pumps
45 seconds tall plank weighted pull thrus
Rest 1:00