workout of the day
09.08.2023 Partner WOD
"Rock Star"
With A Partner Alternating Complete Rounds:
- 5 Burpees Over DB
- 5 DB Thrusters 50/35#
*Rest 3 Minutes
- 10 Box Jump Overs 24/20"
- 3 Wall Walks
*Rest 3 Minutes
- Max DB Snatches 50/35#
*Non Working Partner Holds Dead Hang From Rig
2 sets
10 each side DB death march
10 plank shoulder taps
5 each side DB thrusters
5 plank shoulder tap + push up each side
10 alternating DB hang snatch
"Rock Star"
With A Partner Alternating Complete Rounds:
- 5 Burpees Over DB
- 5 DB Thrusters 50/35#
*Rest 3 Minutes
- 10 Box Jump Overs 24/20"
- 3 Wall Walks
*Rest 3 Minutes
- Max DB Snatches 50/35#
*Non Working Partner Holds Dead Hang From Rig
"You Need This"
40 alternating DB snatches
50 feet single DB OH walking lunges
30 DB hang clean & jerks
50 feet single DB front rack walking lunges
20 DB overhead squats (10 each side)
50 feet single DB suitcase walking lunges
10 DB thrusters
Weights 50/35 35/20
Push Jerks
8 sets of 3 reps @ 75-78%
"You Need This"
40 alternating DB snatches
50 feet single DB OH walking lunges
30 DB hang clean & jerks
50 feet single DB front rack walking lunges
20 DB overhead squats (10 each side)
50 feet single DB suitcase walking lunges
10 DB thrusters
Weights 50/35 35/20
07.16.2023 Swim WOD
5 rounds
10 ball slams
10 DB snatches
10 jumping jacks
10 DB thrusters
150m swim
Meet at West Bush Lake in Bloomington 9am
5 rounds
10 ball slams
10 DB snatches
10 jumping jacks
10 DB thrusters
150m swim
"Walk the Line"
each set for time
Set one
10 DB power cleans 50/35 35/20
50 feet front rack walking lunges
5 DB burpee box step overs 24/20"
50 feet front rack walking lunges
5 DB burpee box step overs
10 DB power cleans
Rest 3:00
Set two
4 rounds for time
6 DB thrusters 50/35 35/20
12 sit ups
Warm up
2 rounds
Cardio 200m
Single-Leg Deadlifts x 8-10 reps @ 3011 (Left Leg)
Single-Leg Deadlifts x 8-10 reps @ 3011 (Right Leg)
Half Kneeling single arm DB Press x 8 reps/side
hip warm up https://www.instagram.com/p/B9Wyi1GHAdl/
1. abduction x 8 each side
2. band kick backs x 8 each side
3. knee knockers x 8 each side
4. banded frog pumps x 16 reps
Hip thrusts
4 x 8 reps @75-85% DL max
"Walk the Line"
each set for time
Set one
10 DB power cleans 50/35 35/20
50 feet front rack walking lunges
5 DB burpee box step overs 24/20"
50 feet front rack walking lunges
5 DB burpee box step overs
10 DB power cleans
Rest 3:00
Set two
4 rounds for time
6 DB thrusters 50/35 35/20
12 sit ups
11.25.2022 7am and 8:30am ONLY
"The 12 Days of Thankfulness"- brought to you by Invictus
1 250 Meter Row
2 Muscle-Ups (Ring or Bar)
3 Dumbbell Thrusters (55/35 lbs)
4 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20″)
5 Handstand Push-Ups
6 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
7 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
8 Single-Arm DB or KB Snatches (4 each arm; 55/35 lbs)
9 Toes to Bar
10 Walking Lunges with Dumbbells (55/35 lbs)
11 Ring Dips
12 Man-Makers (55/35 lbs)
Warm Up
Cardio 3:00
thoracic flow 5 reps of each movement
1. yoga push ups
2. beast to alternating leg through
3. deep squat with thoracic rotations
4. prone swimmers
5. prone swimmers with alternating hands- behind the back and behind the head.
squat flow 5 reps of each movement
1. 90/90 hip switch
2. straight leg swings in the 90 position
3. deep squat with thoracic rotations
4. deep squat internal knee rotation
5. internal knee rotation + sit back on heel
"The 12 Days of Thankfulness"- brought to you by Invictus
1 250 Meter Row
2 Muscle-Ups (Ring or Bar)
3 Dumbbell Thrusters (55/35 lbs)
4 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20″)
5 Handstand Push-Ups
6 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
7 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
8 Single-Arm DB or KB Snatches (4 each arm; 55/35 lbs)
9 Toes to Bar
10 Walking Lunges with Dumbbells (55/35 lbs)
11 Ring Dips
12 Man-Makers (55/35 lbs)
Intermediate/Scaled Version
1 250 Meter Row
2 Banded Chest to Bar pull ups
3 Dumbbell Thrusters (35/20 lbs)
4 Burpee Box Jumps/Step-Ups (24/20″)
5 Piked HSPU from a box or floor
6 Chin-Over-The-Bar Pull-Ups
7 Kettlebell Swings (16/12 kg)
8 Single-Arm DB or KB Snatches (4 each arm; 35/20 lbs)
9 Hanging Knee Raises
10 Walking Lunges with Dumbbells (35/20 lbs)
11 Stationary Dips
12 Man-Makers (35/20 lbs)
"Ellen" CrossFit girl wod
compared to Jan. 19th, 2021
3 rounds for time
20 burpees
21 DB snatch- use a single DB alternating
12 DB thrusters- use dual DBs
RX 50/35
SC 35/20
Warm Up
2 sets
1:00 run
30 seconds reach thrus
30 yoga push ups
1:00 run
30 seconds banded good mornings
30 seconds glute bridges
finish with 1:00 KBswings
A. Deadlifts
5 reps @ 65%
4 reps @ 75%
3 reps @ 80%
2 reps @ 85%
1 rep @ 90%
1 rep @ 95%
B. DB side bends 5 x 10 reps each side
"Ellen" CrossFit girl wod
compared to Jan. 19th, 2021
3 rounds for time
20 burpees
21 DB snatch- use a single DB alternating
12 DB thrusters- use dual DBs
RX 50/35
SC 35/20
"Moving on Up"
DB thrusters 50/35 35/20
burpees over the dumbbell
alternating DB snatches 50/35 35/20
wall balls 20/14
bar muscle ups or strict pull ups
HSPU or boxed piked hspu
Warm Up
2 sets
20 supermans
20 each side banded lateral steps
15 air squats
15 prone shoulder Y's
10 barbell hang muscle cleans 45/35
10 barbell strict press
wall slides x 15
prayer stretch x 30 seconds
deep squat plate hold x 30 seconds
thoracic rotations x 5 each side
A. muscle clean + push press
4 sets- lighter loads for good form
B. power clean + hang power clean + push jerk
warm up 2 sets 55%, 60%
work: 4 sets 65%, 70%, 75%, 80%
"Moving on Up"
DB thrusters 50/35 35/20
burpees over the dumbbell
alternating DB snatches 50/35 35/20
wall balls 20/14
bar muscle ups or strict pull ups
HSPU or boxed piked hspu