workout of the day
Push Pull Carry - 10 Rounds For Time
5 Tall Kneeling DB Press
5 DB Bent Over Row
5 DB Power Clean to Push Press
20m DB Mixed Rack Overhead Carry/arm
*purposely choose moderate to lighter dumbbells for this
with barbell
"Yes please"
power snatch
power clean & jerk
165/115 125/85 75/55
Warm Up
EMOM x 10 mins
min 1: 15 jumping jacks + single arm plank x 15 seconds right side
min 2: 5/side under switch crab reach + single arm plank x 15 seconds left side
PVC snatch work
OHS 3 sets of 5 reps
Press in snatch 2 x 10 reps
Tall muscle snatch 2 x 10 reps
Tall snatch 4 x 3 reps
Barbell Snatch work
6 sets of snatch pull + hang snatch + snatch
build load to no more than 70%- focus on mechanics, not load
Push Pull Carry - 10 Rounds For Time
5 Tall Kneeling DB Press
5 DB Bent Over Row
5 DB Power Clean to Push Press
20m DB Mixed Rack Overhead Carry/arm
*purposely choose moderate to lighter dumbbells for this
with barbell
"Yes please"
power snatch
power clean & jerk
165/115 125/85 75/55
cool down
child's pose with lat stretch x 2:00/side
forward fold x 2:00
frog stretch x 2:00
Warm Up4 Rounds For Time @ 75% Effort Run 200m
6 DB Snatch R
6 DB Push Press R
6 DB Snatch L 6 DB Push Press L
*Goal is to stay very sustainable. Use this to warm up and get your breathing going for the day. Choose a DB weight to go unbroken with.
Mobility: shoulder prep flow: https://www.instagram.com/p/BiPe2a0h40w/?taken-by=marcusfilly
Primer: 4 sets of 6-8 reps DB bent over row with band around the knees to reinforce keeping the hips active https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VP_f9V854og 3 sets of 4-6 reps KB front rack reverse lunges https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqcF2ykNep8
BB warm up
5 snatch grip RDLs 5 snatch high pulls 5 muscle snatch 5 OHS 5 snatch grip push press 5 snatch balances 5 hang power snatch
WOD Every 4:00 for 5 rounds 10 power snatch 95/65 60 yd.sled push- empty sled - go out 30 yds and back 30 yds 10 OHS 95/65 each round must be unbroken to count so adjust weight