workout of the day
For Time:
10 Shoulder Press, 115/75 95/65 75/55
15 Overhead Squats, 115/75
20 Push Press, 115/75
25 Front Squats, 115/75
30 Push Jerks, 115/75
35 Back Squats, 115/75
Warm Up
2-3 Sets
100m Run
10 Glute Bridge V Walkouts
20 Lateral Banded Walks/side
5 Single Leg RDL to Reverse Lunge/side
3 sets
A. single leg hip thrusts x 20/leg
B. single arm DB high pulls x 8/side
C. DB step ups x 6/leg- DB overhead
D. pull up negatives x 6 reps at 5 second descend- reset to the top
For Time:
10 Shoulder Press, 115/75 95/65 75/55 15
Overhead Squats, 115/75
20 Push Press, 115/75
25 Front Squats, 115/75
30 Push Jerks, 115/75
35 Back Squats, 115/75
Cool Down
Posterior Chain
Seated Forward Fold x 2mins
Seated Straddle x 2mins
Static Back x 2mins https://youtu.be/WmZGZwEO34Q