workout of the day
Cardio EMOM
min 1- 20 seconds power snatch 75/55 45/35
min 2- 20 seconds bar facing burpees
min 3- 20 seconds thrusters 75/55 45/35
min 4- 20 seconds box jumps 24/20"
min 5- rest
Warm Up
6:00 continuous work
Row 1:00, increasing pace every 20 seconds
1 * barbell complex
wall facing handstand hold, 20 seconds
*barbell complex:
2 deadlifts
2 cleans
2 thrusters
2 hang cleans
Gymnastics Skill Work- choose A or B
A. Double unders
calf eccentrics 2 sets of 10 reps- lift up with 2 feet, lower with one foot on a bumper plate
jumps to a target consistently achieving 3-4" off the ground x 30 seconds
jump double clap drill x 30 seconds- keep body tall and jump off the balls of feet.
repeat 2 & 3 for 5 rounds, then 10:1 single unders to DUs x 2:00 practice. You will do 10 singles into 1 double under
B. Bar muscle up drills
overhead opener stretch x 1:00 https://youtu.be/Q6zZB48fTVg
standing hollow body banded lat pull downs
Jump out of the pool drill from the floor on racked bar and then from a box to the high bar
Arch under the bar jump to support- great explanation of this drill above with video https://youtu.be/bibf3sF_npg
On a racked barbell, use a green band and practice hips to bar. First practice the hips coming to the bar using straight arms. Then practice the hips to bar with the transition over the bar. Watch the video on the transition. Banded bmu transitions- racked bar https://www.instagram.com/p/CYpBUD0JBpo/
Feet on the box with racked bar- practice getting the hips to the bar and then adding in the transition. Keep your arm straight and press down on the bar. https://www.instagram.com/p/CYpBUD0JBpo/
Cardio EMOM
min 1- 20 seconds power snatch 75/55 45/35
min 2- 20 seconds bar facing burpees
min 3- 20 seconds thrusters 75/55 45/35
min 4- 20 seconds box jumps 24/20"
min 5- rest
Wobbly Legs
80 Double Unders
Run 400m
20 KB Front Rack Walking Lunge 35/26 each hand
60 Double Unders
Run 300m
16 KB Front Rack Walking Lunge
40 Double Unders
Run 200m
12 KB Front Rack Walking Lunge
20 Double Unders
Warm up
2 sets
single unders x 50 reps
single arm DB Overhead squat x 10/side
suitcase carry x 50'/side
Mobility: SI joint: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvxz5Xxj4Yf/ (the first few moves here)
1. knee to chest with other leg straight out x 30 sec/side
2. lying on floor number 4 stretch x 30 sec/side
3. prone quad stretch x 30 sec/side
4. multi-planar hip flexor stretch x 5 reps each angle/side
Wobbly Legs
80 Double Unders
Run 400m
20 KB Front Rack Walking Lunge 35/26 each hand
60 Double Unders
Run 300m
16 KB Front Rack Walking Lunge
40 Double Unders
Run 200m
12 KB Front Rack Walking Lunge
20 Double Unders
POST WOD- banded upper body
50 low to high banded face pulls https://youtu.be/wv2BGYGZ9rs
20 ring mountain climbers (10/side) https://youtu.be/kbPOFMH-Ivk
25 banded face pulls
20 ring mountain climbers (10/side)
50 banded straight single arm lat pull downs (25/side)