workout of the day
05.21.18 Fight Gone Bad strongman style
Warm Up4 Sets Not For Time
5 Half Kneeling Single Arm Bottom Up KB Press/arm 20sec DB Side Plank (hold DB in top arm) 30sec Dead Bug RNT split squat x 8 each side( no weight) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8htaPttaaVA
*Move with purpose and focus - build a little weight on your press
Primer: hip flow https://www.instagram.com/p/Bh7BCJ4BraN/?taken-by=marcusfilly then.. Banded good mornings with squats. Do 5 reps good mornings + 5 reps squats for 3 sets
WOD Fight Gone Bad Strongman 3 Rounds min 1- wall balls 30/20 min 2- tire flips min 3- sandbag ground to shoulder min 4- sled rope pulls 3-4 plates on sled
min 5- KB swings 72/53
min6- rest